Source code for aiida_cp2k.utils.workchains

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA-CP2K authors.                                      #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT                                                #
# AiiDA-CP2K is hosted on GitHub at   #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file.           #
"""AiiDA-CP2K utilities for workchains"""

from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from aiida.orm import Dict
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory

StructureData = DataFactory('structure')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

HARTREE2EV = 27.211399
HARTREE2KJMOL = 2625.500

[docs]def merge_dict(dct, merge_dct): """ Taken from Recursive dict merge. Inspired by :meth:``dict.update()``, instead of updating only top-level keys, merge_dict recurses down into dicts nested to an arbitrary depth, updating keys. The ``merge_dct`` is merged into ``dct``. :param dct: dict onto which the merge is executed :param merge_dct: dct merged into dct (overwrites dct data if in both) :return: None """ import collections for k, _ in merge_dct.items(): # it was .iteritems() in python2 if (k in dct and isinstance(dct[k], dict) and isinstance(merge_dct[k], collections.Mapping)): merge_dict(dct[k], merge_dct[k]) else: dct[k] = merge_dct[k]
[docs]@calcfunction def merge_Dict(d1, d2): #pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Make all the data in the second Dict overwrite the corrisponding data in the first Dict""" d1_dict = d1.get_dict() d2_dict = d2.get_dict() merge_dict(d1_dict, d2_dict) return Dict(dict=d1_dict)
[docs]def get_kinds_section(structure, protocol_settings): """ Write the &KIND sections given the structure and the settings_dict""" kinds = [] all_atoms = set(structure.get_ase().get_chemical_symbols()) for atom in all_atoms: kinds.append({ '_': atom, 'BASIS_SET': protocol_settings['basis_set'][atom], 'POTENTIAL': protocol_settings['pseudopotential'][atom], 'MAGNETIZATION': protocol_settings['initial_magnetization'][atom], }) return {'FORCE_EVAL': {'SUBSYS': {'KIND': kinds}}}
[docs]def get_input_multiplicity(structure, protocol_settings): """ Compute the total multiplicity of the structure, by summing the atomic magnetizations: multiplicity = 1 + sum_i ( natoms_i * magnetization_i ), for each atom_type i """ multiplicity = 1 all_atoms = structure.get_ase().get_chemical_symbols() for key, value in protocol_settings['initial_magnetization'].items(): multiplicity += all_atoms.count(key) * value multiplicity = int(round(multiplicity)) multiplicity_dict = {'FORCE_EVAL': {'DFT': {'MULTIPLICITY': multiplicity}}} if multiplicity != 1: multiplicity_dict['FORCE_EVAL']['DFT']['UKS'] = True return multiplicity_dict
[docs]def ot_has_small_bandgap(cp2k_input, cp2k_output, bandgap_thr_ev): """ Returns True if the calculation used OT and had a smaller bandgap then the guess needed for the OT. (NOTE: It has been observed also negative bandgap with OT in CP2K!) cp2k_input: dict cp2k_output: dict bandgap_thr_ev: float [eV] """ list_true = [True, 'T', 't', '.TRUE.', 'True', 'true'] #add more? try: ot_settings = cp2k_input['FORCE_EVAL']['DFT']['SCF']['OT'] if '_' not in ot_settings.keys() or ot_settings['_'] in list_true: #pylint: disable=simplifiable-if-statement using_ot = True else: using_ot = False except KeyError: using_ot = False min_bandgap_ev = min(cp2k_output["bandgap_spin1_au"], cp2k_output["bandgap_spin2_au"]) * HARTREE2EV is_bandgap_small = (min_bandgap_ev < bandgap_thr_ev) return using_ot and is_bandgap_small
[docs]@calcfunction def check_resize_unit_cell(struct, threshold): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals """Returns the multiplication factors for the cell vectors to respect, in every direction: min(perpendicular_width) > threshold. """ from math import cos, sin, sqrt, fabs, ceil import numpy as np # Parsing structure's cell def angle(vect1, vect2): return np.arccos(, vect2) / (np.linalg.norm(vect1) * np.linalg.norm(vect2))) a_len = np.linalg.norm(struct.cell[0]) b_len = np.linalg.norm(struct.cell[1]) c_len = np.linalg.norm(struct.cell[2]) alpha = angle(struct.cell[1], struct.cell[2]) beta = angle(struct.cell[0], struct.cell[2]) gamma = angle(struct.cell[0], struct.cell[1]) # Computing triangular cell matrix vol = np.sqrt(1 - cos(alpha)**2 - cos(beta)**2 - cos(gamma)**2 + 2 * cos(alpha) * cos(beta) * cos(gamma)) cell = np.zeros((3, 3)) cell[0, :] = [a_len, 0, 0] cell[1, :] = [b_len * cos(gamma), b_len * sin(gamma), 0] cell[2, :] = [ c_len * cos(beta), c_len * (cos(alpha) - cos(beta) * cos(gamma)) / (sin(gamma)), c_len * vol / sin(gamma) ] cell = np.array(cell) # Computing perpendicular widths, as implemented in Raspa # for the check (simplified for triangular cell matrix) axc1 = cell[0, 0] * cell[2, 2] axc2 = -cell[0, 0] * cell[2, 1] bxc1 = cell[1, 1] * cell[2, 2] bxc2 = -cell[1, 0] * cell[2, 2] bxc3 = cell[1, 0] * cell[2, 1] - cell[1, 1] * cell[2, 0] det = fabs(cell[0, 0] * cell[1, 1] * cell[2, 2]) perpwidth = np.zeros(3) perpwidth[0] = det / sqrt(bxc1**2 + bxc2**2 + bxc3**2) perpwidth[1] = det / sqrt(axc1**2 + axc2**2) perpwidth[2] = cell[2, 2] #prevent from crashing if threshold.value is zero if threshold.value == 0: thr = 0.1 else: thr = threshold.value resize = { 'nx': int(ceil(thr / perpwidth[0])), 'ny': int(ceil(thr / perpwidth[1])), 'nz': int(ceil(thr / perpwidth[2])) } return Dict(dict=resize)
[docs]@calcfunction def resize_unit_cell(struct, resize): """Resize the StructureData according to the resize Dict""" resize_tuple = tuple([resize[x] for x in ['nx', 'ny', 'nz']]) return StructureData(ase=struct.get_ase().repeat(resize_tuple))