Source code for aiida_cp2k.utils.input_generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA-CP2K authors.                                      #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT                                                #
# AiiDA-CP2K is hosted on GitHub at   #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file.           #
"""AiiDA-CP2K input generator."""

from copy import deepcopy
from import Mapping, Sequence, MutableSequence

from aiida.orm import Dict
from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from .workchains import merge_dict

[docs]class Cp2kInput: """Transforms dictionary into CP2K input""" DISCLAIMER = "!!! Generated by AiiDA !!!"
[docs] def __init__(self, params=None): """Initializing Cp2kInput object""" if not params: self._params = {} else: # always make a full copy to avoid that add_keyword() changes the # passed-in dictionary self._params = deepcopy(params)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): return self._params[key]
[docs] def add_keyword(self, kwpath, value, override=True, conflicting_keys=None): """ Add a value for the given keyword. Args: kwpath: Can be a single keyword, a path with `/` as divider for sections & key, or a sequence with sections and key. value: the value to set the given key to override: whether to override the key if it is already present in the self._params conflicting_keys: list of keys that cannot live together with the provided key (SOMETHING1/[..]/SOMETHING2/KEY). In case override is True, all conflicting keys will be removed, if override is False and conflicting_keys are present the new key won't be added. """ if isinstance(kwpath, str): kwpath = kwpath.split("/") Cp2kInput._add_keyword(kwpath, value, self._params, ovrd=override, cfct=conflicting_keys)
[docs] def render(self): output = [self.DISCLAIMER] self._render_section(output, deepcopy(self._params)) return "\n".join(output)
[docs] def param_iter(self, sections=True): """Iterator yielding ((section,section,...,section/keyword), value) tuples""" stack = [((k,), v) for k, v in self._params.items()] while stack: key, value = stack.pop(0) if isinstance(value, Mapping): if sections: yield (key, value) stack += [(key + (k,), v) for k, v in value.items()] elif isinstance(value, MutableSequence): # not just 'Sequence' to avoid matching strings for entry in value: stack += [(key, entry)] else: yield (key, value)
[docs] @staticmethod def _add_keyword(kwpath, value, params, ovrd, cfct): """Add keyword into the given nested dictionary""" conflicting_keys_present = [] # key/value for the deepest level if len(kwpath) == 1: if cfct: conflicting_keys_present = [key for key in cfct if key in params] if ovrd: # if ovrd is True, set the new element's value and remove the conflicting keys params[kwpath[0]] = value for key in conflicting_keys_present: params.pop(key) # if ovrd is False, I only add the new key if (1) it wasn't present beforeAND (2) it does not conflict # with any key that is currently present elif not conflicting_keys_present and kwpath[0] not in params: params[kwpath[0]] = value # the key was not present in the dictionary, and we are not yet at the deepest level, # therefore a subdictionary should be added elif kwpath[0] not in params: params[kwpath[0]] = {} Cp2kInput._add_keyword(kwpath[1:], value, params[kwpath[0]], ovrd, cfct) # if it is a list, loop over its elements elif isinstance(params[kwpath[0]], Sequence) and not isinstance(params[kwpath[0]], str): for element in params[kwpath[0]]: Cp2kInput._add_keyword(kwpath[1:], value, element, ovrd, cfct) # if the key does NOT point to a dictionary and we are not yet at the deepest level, # therefore, the element should be replaced with an empty dictionary unless ovrd is False elif not isinstance(params[kwpath[0]], Mapping): if ovrd: params[kwpath[0]] = {} Cp2kInput._add_keyword(kwpath[1:], value, params[kwpath[0]], ovrd, cfct) # if params[kwpath[0]] points to a sub-dictionary, enter into it else: Cp2kInput._add_keyword(kwpath[1:], value, params[kwpath[0]], ovrd, cfct)
[docs] @staticmethod def _render_section(output, params, indent=0): """It takes a dictionary and recurses through. For key-value pair it checks whether the value is a dictionary and prepends the key with & (CP2K section). It passes the valued to the same function, increasing the indentation. If the value is a list, I assume that this is something the user wants to store repetitively eg: .. highlight:: dict['KEY'] = ['val1', 'val2'] ===> KEY val1 KEY val2 or dict['KIND'] = [{'_': 'Ba', 'ELEMENT':'Ba'}, {'_': 'Ti', 'ELEMENT':'Ti'}, {'_': 'O', 'ELEMENT':'O'}] ====> &KIND Ba ELEMENT Ba &END KIND &KIND Ti ELEMENT Ti &END KIND &KIND O ELEMENT O &END KIND """ for key, val in sorted(params.items()): # keys are not case-insensitive, ensure that they follow the current scheme if key.upper() != key: raise ValueError(f"keyword '{key}' not upper case.") if key.startswith(("@", "$")): raise ValueError("CP2K preprocessor directives not supported.") if isinstance(val, Mapping): line = f"{' ' * indent}&{key}" if "_" in val: # if there is a section parameter, add it line += f" {val.pop('_')}" output.append(line) Cp2kInput._render_section(output, val, indent + 3) output.append(f"{' ' * indent}&END {key}") elif isinstance(val, Sequence) and not isinstance(val, str): for listitem in val: Cp2kInput._render_section(output, {key: listitem}, indent) elif isinstance(val, bool): val_str = '.TRUE.' if val else '.FALSE.' output.append(f"{' ' * indent}{key} {val_str}") else: output.append(f"{' ' * indent}{key} {val}")
[docs]@calcfunction def add_restart_sections(input_dict): """Add restart section to the input dictionary.""" params = input_dict.get_dict() restart_wfn_dict = { 'FORCE_EVAL': { 'DFT': { 'RESTART_FILE_NAME': './parent_calc/aiida-RESTART.wfn', 'SCF': { 'SCF_GUESS': 'RESTART', }, }, }, } merge_dict(params, restart_wfn_dict) params['EXT_RESTART'] = {'RESTART_FILE_NAME': './parent_calc/aiida-1.restart'} return Dict(dict=params)